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br Materials and methods br Results
Materials and methods Results Discussion In the present study, we investigated neural response patterns of all four central subcomponents of reading, i.e. prelexical, orthographic, phonological, and lexico-semantic processing in a large sample of normally developing German-speaking children
About mL of freshly prepared matrix guest solution
About 2mL of freshly prepared matrix/guest solution was placed in the target holder inside the vacuum chamber and the target was frozen by placing it in thermal contact with liquid nitrogen contained in a reservoir connected to the MAPLE deposition system. The target temperature was lowered to about
Temperature rhythm is an important phase marker for chronobi
Temperature rhythm is an important phase marker for chronobiological studies, however, the use of core body temperature rhythm in longitudinal researches has always been limited by restrictions for continuous use of data recording devices, such as rectal probes. Wrist temperature, recorded by a ther
The components present in the gas
The components present in the gas detecting system are: Result and discussion The system developed was able to work with a power supply of 5V while most detectors need a minimum of 24V for proper functioning. The life of sensor is also stable and with proper calibration has a minimum lifetime of
Introduction Microelectrode arrays MEAs are substrate integr
Introduction Microelectrode arrays (MEAs) are substrate-integrated extracellular electrode matrices kept in contact with d-cycloserine in culture. MEA-based cell electronic interfaces enable the study of neuronal network processes, the evaluation of the effects of drugs and the electrophysiologica
br Un poco de historia
Un poco de historia La llamada “crisis griega”, sin embargo, viene de antes, …, de mucho antes y en nada es correcta la apreciación generalizada de que ésta, la crisis, se reduce nada más p2y inhibitor lo que recién ha sucedido. Ello solo es un capítulo, ni siquiera el último. En rigor, es produc
Debido a que la cobertura
Debido pla2 inhibitor que la cobertura de la Salud es diferenciada, la distribución del gasto hacia las entidades federativas es desigual y obedece, principalmente, a criterios inerciales (Aguilera, 2011). Por lo tanto, la hipótesis del presente estudio refiere a que el impacto las remesas en Salud
Regarding Brazil there are some studies on Central
Regarding Brazil, there are some studies on Central Bank reaction function. Minella et al. (2002, 2003)’s reaction function captured the effect or the lagged effect of the interest rate over aggregate demand. This effect can be seen as a weighted average of the deviations of present and future infla
br Introduction Thorstein Veblen s deals with the psychologi
Introduction Thorstein Veblen\'s deals with the psychological, social, and economic issues of how institutions influence people\'s behavior from an evolutionary perspective. For Veblen, neither individuals nor institutions are taken for granted; he analyzes each from the beginning of their exist
This flow budget constraint can be written as a
This flow budget constraint can be written as a government stock budget constraint by using standard procedure. First, multiply both sides of the flow constraint by exp(−rx), where r is the real rate of interest. Then, by taking into account thatwe can writewhere s(m)=rm+τ(m) is a measure of the val
Prevention rates were obtained based
Prevention rates were obtained based on complementary homicide rates, other thefts and vehicle theft rates weighted by the population. If we consider , as the highest homicide rate among the Federation units in a AG-14361 t and as the homicide rate standard deviation, then the homicide prevention
br Methodology The model to investigate whether Brazilians f
Methodology The model to investigate whether Brazilians firms are credit constrained is based on Carpenter and Guariglia (2008) and Guariglia (2008), as shown in (1).where i and t=1,…,T identify, respectively, firms and time, is the firms’ investment, Kit is the firms’ fixed asset, γt is the tim
br Methodology The model to investigate whether Brazilians f
Methodology The model to investigate whether Brazilians firms are credit constrained is based on Carpenter and Guariglia (2008) and Guariglia (2008), as shown in (1).where i and t=1,…,T identify, respectively, firms and time, is the firms’ investment, Kit is the firms’ fixed asset, γt is the tim
Despite the success of targeted therapies many genomic alter
Despite the success of targeted therapies, many genomic alterations are considered “undruggable”. One such example is the above-mentioned t(11,14)(q13, 32) translocation, which increases the expression of cyclin D1 (). Another example of such an undruggable target is CD22ΔE12, described in a researc
Nevertheless other subtype D genes in CRF
Nevertheless, other subtype D genes in CRF19_cpx (gag and nef) not investigated in this study might also be associated with increased viral replication and in vivo pathogenesis. In HIV-1, Gag and Nef have been documented to contain the highest CD8 epitope density and are more frequently recognized b
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